Travel Safety Articles

The most recent spate of terrorism attacks serve as a reminder that travel is both enlightening and challenging. In today’s world, travel safety and security are now more important than ever. It should be emphasized that no one can guarantee a traveler’s total safety. These points are at least some of the precautions that travelers should consider when attending events at home or abroad, and when traveling as part of a group or as individuals.

Here are some common questions along with the answers that tourism safety specialists are often asked

Arranging transportation from the airport to your final destination can be a challenge, especially in developing countries. As with any other aspect of overseas travel, selecting the appropriate mode of transportation at your destination airport involves research, careful planning and preparation.

A travel warning has been issued for a country you are traveling to; how does this affect you? Make sure you're registered with and in contact with these important sources prior to travel.

Traveling alone can be a fun and rewarding experience. Without the distractions of a group or other travelers, you are able to completely focus your energy and attention on where you are and what you are seeing, which can intensify your experience. Follow these simple tips to to preapre for a fun, safe trip!

Most hotels today are safe and secure. In major cities, the larger hotel chains often have their own security staff to help enhance their guests’ safety. Whether you’re staying at a five-star luxury property or a basic motel, here are twelve tips to maximize your safety and keep you and your possessions safe.

Visiting wilderness areas and national parks can be one of the most rewarding travel experiences, filled with expansive scenery and majestic wildlife. However, before you rush to pet that cute deer in the meadow or feed that furry bear in the forest, follow the tips below to ensure a safe and memorable trip.

Backpacking can be a fun and exciting way to see many of the countries in Europe. Whether you’re staying in a hotel or hostel, you’ll want to get the most out of your experience. Here’s a list of useful items to pack and several safety tips to help you have an enjoyable trip.

Solo travel can be liberating and self assuring. With passport in hand and common sense leading the way, I keep myself safe by following the same set of guidelines whether my travels take me to Newton, Kansas or Nairobi, Kenya.

If your winter travel plans include a visit to a ski or mountain destination, here are some tips to help avoid injury and ensure that you get the most out of your vacation. Winter sports can be fun, exhilarating, and great exercise, whether you’re skiing downhill or cross country, taking up snowboarding, or going snow shoeing. Along with the fun, though, come risks, including hypothermia and injury.

When taking a winter vacation, how do you ensure that your snow sports equipment arrives safely at your destination? It may seem ideal to take your skis, snowboards, ice skates, snow shoes, or hockey sticks with you. However, there is also the hassle of checking your equipment at the airport, along with the risk of damage or loss.

You’ve decided to book your next trip online, but how can you be sure to find a reputable travel comparison website and avoid scams or becoming a victim of fraud? Read this article to be sure you are partnered with a reputable website.

From the Sahara to the Sonora, deserts have their own special, stark beauty. Along with the beauty, however, a trip to the desert can present special challenges for even the most seasoned traveler. High temperatures during the day, lack of water, and vast stretches of arid land mean that travelers need to be prepared.

Are cruise ships safe? Considering the number of people travling on cruise ships each year, they have a very low crime rate and an overall excellent safety record. Here are some quick tips to help make the most of your time while safely and comfortably enjoying your next cruise.

Kids may feel that they are invincible, but parents know that things may not always go as planned. For peace of mind in case of all kinds of emergencies, travel insurance policies can be your family's best friend.

No matter how adventurous you are, traveling in remote areas can pose certain risks. Whether you’re visiting a remote village in Mexico, going on an African safari, taking a road trip to the Painted Dessert, or scaling a peak in Nepal, it’s important to be prepared for any emergency. Lack of electricity, poor road conditions, and changeable weather are just some of the challenges that can arise when you’re traveling off the beaten path.

If you've ever lost a bag while travling during the busy holiday seasons you know what a headache that can be! How to use odd colored luggage, three tags and a copy of your itinerary to decrease your chances of a lost luggage headache when you travel.

Parking garages are a fact of life for many travelers. On your next trip, whether you are parking at the airport or a hotel, a little planning and common sense can help you feel confident about your safety.

Whether you are sightseeing in Paris or setting off to lie on the beach in Mexico, you will most likely need to exchange your local currency for the destination currency. Devise a plan to deal with your money and currency exchange before you go and save valuable vacation time.

If you plan to travel to a non-English speaking country, take our top 20 common phrases list with you and you will be prepared for just about any situation.

If you are thinking of booking travel or your next family vacation through a travel agent, here is an important list of questions to ask your potential travel agent. Asking questions prior to selecting a travel agent to assist you can ensure you select just the right agent to plan and book your itinerary.

Traveling to a new destination can often be a rewarding, exciting and fulfilling adventure. Learn how to make your transition to local culture as easy and smooth as possible.

Ensure a stress-free vacation experience with these four tips for a smarter, safer vacation.

You and your friends are taking a well earned trip during spring break. You've planned where to go, what to wear and who you will see. Have you also planned for the unexpected?

With more baggage fees and increasingly long security checkpoint procedures taxing the most seasoned travelers, it is time we all lighten our load. Use the 3-1-1 rule to help pack efficiently.